Understanding Homeopathy

What is homeopathy ?

Homeopathy views Dis-Ease as the external expression of internal disharmony. Unlike conventional medicine which targets specific conditions, Homeopathy works on a holistic basis to match your own unique symptoms and total personality. The gentle, natural remedies have only one side effect: they make you feel better.

How does it work ?

Homeopathic medicines work on the concept of Like Cures Like. A minute amount of a substance that would, in large doses, cause illness in a healthy person, is prescribed to stimulate the body’s own natural healing energies.

What are the remedies made from ?

Medicines come from the Plant, Mineral and Animal Kingdoms. Made up into tincture form in a preservative alcohol base, they are then absorbed into small sugar lactose pillules. Remedies may also be given in a water base or for topical application in a cream form.

"Homeopathy has thrived and survived for over 250 years because of its excellent record of successful use and safety which will ensure its continued use."

- Robert Wilson

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